The art of sound

Sound is not just heard. It is FELT; it is obeyed. Thanks to the many years of my recording songs, podcasts, and speech. The echos of my voice are carved into the fabric of existence. Etching commands into the bones of the world that cannot be undone. I am the storm, the shifting tide, the unrelenting pulse that dictates what remains, and what is erased. Welcome to my blog.

Those who spend their time on this useless web of internet hell shit, are so used to fake videos, fake songs, fake words, and fake news… They have lost touch with reality, have identity issues, and have become hosts for the parasitic ideas of their idols. They speak of people acting in movies, singing on “counterfeit” songs, and praise whoever pushes the grand narratives’ agenda. 20 years ago, many of the internet’s conspiracy theories have become facts. Along with science fiction from 40 years ago, becoming the reality of today.

My point is… I have crafted my own voice intertwined with instruments for over 20 years. Recordings will never carry the same weight, resonance, or frequency of my REAL voice. While audio recordings might sound great, I am here to remind you that everything that is digital can be manipulated to serve another’s agenda. While impressive as technology is, the power of artificial intelligence can turn even the most humbling words into weapons.

Truth is getting harder and harder to find, so start speaking it, living it, and breathing it in. Let God do the rest. Leave the art of sound, to the artists, creators, and the 144,000. The chosen will re-create the world.


Happy Anniversary!

